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Circular economy, recycling, climate change… These are just some of the topics frequently discussed today at different levels and in different contexts. Talking about them is certainly important, but even more important is to take action! In particular, the involvement of young people is strategic to achieving some of the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
This is the idea that inspired the agreement between ANISN (National Association of Science Teachers) Pavia and the Jane Goodall Institute Italia ONLUS, in the context of the “Recycle your mobile phone” campaign and the “Roots & Shoots” project, with the aim of offering science teachers the opportunity to develop educational and awareness-raising pathways on the theme of circular economy in their own classes or institutions.
The Jane Goodall Institute Italy for Man, Animals and the Environment (JGI Italy) is an environmental organisation recognised by the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, which has been working in Italy and Africa since 1998 on development projects for the most disadvantaged communities, sustainability education and biodiversity conservation. It is part of the international circuit of the Jane Goodall Institute, present in 32 countries of the world.
The objectives of our project
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- To make students aware of the environmental and social consequences of the globalised production and disposal of mobile phones;
- To educate young people to take civic responsibility at first hand;
- To make citizens aware of the problems related to the production and disposal of mobile phones and to promote correct behaviour in their recycling;
- To explore issues related to environmental sustainability;
- To disseminate best practices at school and at home.
The steps:
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- Organisation of periodic meetings between teachers, aimed at the construction of Civic Education courses;
- Identification of the classes involved and preparation of related work plans by the Class Councils;
- Launch of Civic Education courses in selected classes;
- Meeting with the JGI Italy Representatives and the classes participating to the project;
- Raising awareness among the reference classes and by all students, parents and teachers within each school;
- Setting up a Collection Point of used mobile phones.
Three schools in Pavia province immediately joined the project, according to their specific didactic-educational needs. ITAS “Gallini” of Voghera and Liceo “Cairoli” of Vigevano promoted the initiative among all students, parents and teachers through the pupils of the reference classes, who took care of setting up the Collection Point.
ITIS “Cardano” of Pavia not only organised the Collection Point, but also presented the initiative as part of the public event “Science Under 18”: the students organised an exhibition with a game to introduce the chemical elements contained in a mobile phone. They also set up a Collection Point for used mobile phones for all citizens to raise awareness among the other schools in the area and of the visitors of the exhibition.
Angela Colli was a science teacher and a head teacher in various schools of Pavia (Italy). Now, as President of ANISN (National Association of Science Teachers) for Pavia, she organises workshops and lessons on science topics for in-service teachers. She is also a Scientix Ambassador.
Tags: circular economy, civic responsability, climate change, environmental awareness, Mobile phones, project-based learning, recycling, sustainability
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