
Daily Pill Organizer Just $4 Shipped for Amazon Prime Members (Reg. $10) | Perfect for Travel

Keep yourself organized with this a daily pill organizer deal! 

Zoksi Weekly Pill Organizer

Through October 19th, head over to Amazon where Prime members can score this Zoksi 2x/Day Weekly Pill Organizer for only $4.19 (reg. $9.99) when you use the code 2JV9EDX9 at checkout.

Here’s how to score this deal…

Zoksi Weekly Pill Organizer $6.99 (reg. $9.99) – Prime member price
Use promo code 2JV9EDX9
Final cost $4.19 shipped!

*Not a Prime member? You can score this organizer for just $5.99 after the discount.

Weekly Rainbow Pill Organizer

This convenient pill organizer is separated into individual twice-a-day containers for each day of the week. Plus, these containers are spacious enough for larger vitamins! This case is easy to open and easy to close. It is BPA-free, keeping your pills safe and clean.

Just as advertised. I like how they all stay neat and organized in another clear container. They all snap open and shut very snug. They’re also spacious enough for the chunky pills like the Omega 3 and vitamin C. I’ve been using mine to store vitamin C, D, Omega 3 and thyroid all together. Perfect for vacation or travel where your routine may be thrown off, these will help keep track. 

If you need something for larger meds and supplements…

Odaro Extra Large 2xDay Weekly Pill Organizer in many colors

This large-capacity pill container is also easy to open, even if you are suffering from arthritis! It is perfect for those taking larger supplements that usually don’t fit in a traditional pill organizer.

I originally bought it for my mom but got one for myself as well. Not to mention how pretty it is, it is very spacious and you can pop out each of the boxes if needed. I leave this on my desk and now I don’t have any excuse to not take my vitamins. I have a few pill organizer and this one is by far the most effective one in keeping me on track. 

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