
Why Does This Scalp Massager Have 109K 5-Star Reviews?!

See what all the hype is about over this scalp massager brush from Amazon!

Woman holding up a HEETA scalp massager

With almost 116K 5-star reviews on Amazon, we couldn’t wait to give this scalp massager a try. But after testing, our team came back with mixed feelings. Check out which team members agree with the hype and which ones think it’s nothing like it’s cracked up to be.

Hand holding a HEETA scalp massager inside the shower

You definitely can’t put a price on self-care, so when something so highly-rated and affordable comes your way there’s no question it’s worth a try.

Last year my Hip sidekick Bryn and I tried this scalp massager to see what all the fuss was about but it left us pretty underwhelmed. However, I’m back to report some amazing team feedback from two of my other Hip sidekicks on this product and how it’s changed their hair game completely! 🙌🏻

hand pumping shampoo on black and purple circle brush

This scalp massager is intended for washing your roots, scrubbing your scalp more thoroughly, easing itchiness from dry scalps, and promoting better circulation. Plus, it’s supposed to feel super good too, so who wouldn’t want to try something like this for such an inexpensive cost?!

Here are some other key features that drew our team to this scalp massager:

  • The amazing reviews. When something has over 115,000+ 5-star reviews raving about a product, it’s hard to resist!
  • Ergonomic design. Easy to use, lightweight, and fits perfectly in your hands.
  • Better for your nails. Whether you have thin nails or don’t want to mess up your perfect polish, this scalp massager won’t damage nails.
  • Some versions hang up to dry. Other scalp massagers we’ve tried come with a convenient string so you can hang it in your shower to dry which is also more sanitary.

woman holding black and purple hair brush in shower with soap hair

So is this scalp massager all it’s cracked up to be?

For me and my Hip sidekick, Bryn, this thing isn’t love. 😞 We were dreaming about daily scalp massages in the shower but found it to be way more of a hassle than I anticipated.

We felt it didn’t do a sufficient job lathering hair, got easily tangled, and overall just felt cheap. This is one time I was thankful for free Amazon Prime returns! 👏🏻

On the other hand, Hip2Save’s Emily absolutely LOVES this scalp massager…

woman holding scalp massager to wet hair in shower

“After looking up ways to rid my scalp of some pesky dandruff I’ve been experiencing through the years, I landed upon this scalp brush as one of the most effective treatments. Oddly enough, I remembered how Sara didn’t like this brush but figured I’d give it a shot anyway. Plus, I was desperate to get rid of these flakes! 🙈

To my surprise and delight, this scalp massager has worked so great!

Especially in conjunction with some dandruff shampoo that I use maybe once a month. I keep the scalp scrubbing to small circles so I don’t overly tangle my hair. I’ve noticed I shed a little more hair in the shower, but there’s less dry hair on my actual hairbrush. So, I feel like it’s loosening up those weaker strands while washing vs. having them fall out while brushing.

My fiancé loves this scalp brush too! So while I understand it may not be for everyone, I’m happy to sing its praises.

Oh, and I’ve been flake-free ever since using it!! 🤩

Hand holding a HEETA scalp massager inside the shower

Emily reminded me that just because one person doesn’t like something doesn’t mean someone else can’t love it! 🙌🏻 Kind of like that time, I threw my old Always Pan under the bus when I bought Caraway cookware, but also shared how our recipe blogger, Lina, still loves hers!

All of that said, if you have a dry scalp or fragile hair, some ladies on our team can’t stop raving about this scalp massager!

woman holding scalp massager in shower with soapy hair

On a side note, we even think it would work WONDERFULY on any short-haired dogs too!

This could become your dog’s new best friend since it’s perfect for scrubbing and very easy to hold while you wash your pup. Although, I don’t have a dog to test it out, so it will remain a mystery to me until I hear from one of you if you’ve tried it before! 😂

Hip readers tell us that they love it too…

I love mine! Have seen new hair growth. I have long hair as well but I don’t twirl it or use it in a circular motion but kind of a brush in short back-and-forth movement to stimulate my scalp and get rid of residue. – Hip Reader, Candy72

I have this same one and have been using it for almost a year. I love it! I wash my hair and then use it after I rinse to massage my scalp and make sure I have worked out all my conditioner. I have super long, thick, curly, hair, and this has been amazing! – Hip Reader, Colleen

My husband uses one for his beard and his hair and it works great for him. He likes it. – Hip Reader, Tams

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